Countdown to Justice League: 6 Easter Eggs From the Trailers

Exactly SIX days from today, Justice League will hit the movie theaters! While waiting for the most anticipated movie of the century, we can look back at the trailers and check for easter eggs we might have missed. Here's a list of cool easter eggs from the different trailers released by Warner Bros. But before we get to it, I would like to disclose that this article MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS. These are purely speculations but with Warner Bros not revealing too much in the trailers, everything is up in the air.
6. Earth terraforming

Many fans are questioning what those rock-like formations are. Those are structures similar to those in Apokolips that was caused by "terraforming."
Terraforming is not a new concept in the DC Cinematic Universe. This term was actually used in Man of Steel. In one scene (sorry, I forgot the name of the characters) the harvest machines from Zod made contact with Earth's surface. A scientist in a military base explained to them that the machines are terraforming. Its planetary-engineering, modifying the Earth's atmosphere into something different. That's when they realized that Zod is transforming Earth into Krypton.
In its comicbook counterpart, terraforming is closely associated to Darkseid--more particularly in Earth 2: The Gathering by James Robinson and Nicola Scott. In Earth 2, Steppenwolf invaded Earth with a swarm of parademons and constructed a tower-like membrane that controls the parademons. In the same book, the invasion of Steppenwolf was the cause for the changing of the sky to red. Sounds like the same premise for the movie. Its connection to Apokolips was first used in Justice League: Origin (New 52) by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee; the book in which the movie was highly based on.
5. No Lanterns, No Kryptonian

The timing of Steppenwolf's voiceover is pretty interesting. The moment he said "no Lanterns," the scene panned to Cyborg. After a few seconds, Steppenwolf uttered further, "no Kryptonian." In the DC Cinematic Universe, we're not allowed to believe in coincidences. I believe that Snyder insisted that part of the trailer.
Its a reference to the DC Comics Presents #26, the comicbook where Cyborg first appeared. It must be noted that in that cover, Superman and Green Lantern are the star of the cover. Cool tribute by the person responsible for the trailer.
4. Arkham Asylum

At the opening scenes of the San Diego Comic Con Justice League trailer, there are a couple of voiceovers in the background. If you listen carefully, you'll hear "Lex Luthor in the Arkham Asylum." The voiceover clearly refers to Batman v. Superman where Batman requested that Luthor be moved to Arkham Asylum. While it isn't much, its just a cool treat to Batman fans that Arkham Asylum was mentioned in Justice League the movie.
3. Cyborg - the Hero of the Movie

Both in Justice League: Origin (New 52) and in the DC animated movie, Justice League War, Cyborg was the hero who stopped Darkseid and his parademons from totally invading Earth. His connection with the mother box, I think, will play a significant role in the movie. And in the trailer, we see something similar to what happened in the comicbook and in the animated movie--Cyborg absorbing pain to close the boom tubes.
The two photos above clearly shows references to the comicbook and the animated movie. The photo on the left was taken from the last trailer, while the photo on the right was included in the very first trailer for Justice League. In the first photo, Cyborg is holding, what presumably is, a mother box. The second photo is identical to the comics where Cyborg successfully closed the boom tubes.
2. Ancient Atlantean

If you remember, the very first trailer for Justice League shows a scene where "humans" are burying a mother box. Some fans also noticed that "men" took part in the ancient battle with Steppenwolf. The question is, are these men, humans? It could be. But the more plausible that those men are Ancient Atlanteans. In DC comics, Atlanteans used to live in the surface. Their race, together with the Amazonians were known to be the best fighters on Earth. Hence, it would make a lot of sense if Ancient Atlanteans and Amazonians would team up together to eliminate Steppenwolf. This easter egg was revealed in the second trailer. It was also strengthen with Aquaman's scene swimming towards an altar of an old king in Atlantis.

1. Flying Fox - Batman Leatherwing

Many also wonder why Batman's aircraft is called the Flying Fox. Its a nod to Batman - Leatherwing which was printed in Detective Comics Annual #7. In that book, Batman is the captain of the ship named Flying Fox.

Justice League comes to theaters on November 16, 2017. Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes-Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash-it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.

Paolo Ollero, 28, working law student, a comicbook enthusiast and a Batman historian, is one of the co-founder of The Dark Knight Philippines -- the premier Batman group in the country. He also contributes reviews and write-ups in Geekend Gladiator and Flipgeeks.