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Be the Hero that Gotham Deserves - Batman: Arkham VR

When Rocksteady concluded the Arkham trilogy, fans were left questioning how the gaming world can make Batman games better in the future. Its breathtaking graphics, unique gameplay, and superb story-telling made it hard for fans to imagine a Batman game that will top the Arkham trilogy. The Arkham trilogy is a masterpiece that changed the gaming world forever.

Then Rocksteady announced that they'll release Batman: Arkham VR exclusively for Playstation VR. Ow shit...


Let's start by laying down the fact that the VR gaming has its limitations. Although it transport you to a virtual reality, it has its limitation to certain movements, senses, and story telling. The headset limits body movements that we usually do.

Another limitation to the VR is its compressed story telling. After playing a couple of VR demos that comes with the console, I believe that the PSVR is meant for date nights or family nights. These are quick arcade games that encourages interaction. It is far from the genre of RPG. Having said that, Batman: Arkham VR has a very simple and quick story. You can finish the whole game in 20 to 60 minutes.


The story of the game takes place in between Arkham City and Arkham Knight. The timeline of the story is a giveaway if you analyze the surrounding. The story is simple yet mysterious. I wouldn't recommend it for children below the age of 8 because it might trigger nightmares. The end of the story is akin to the eerie ending of Arkham Knight.

The story starts with the death of the Waynes. The VR works well in this act because it provides an array of views you can use to witness the tragic event. In this part, you do nothing but relive this dreadful event through the eyes of the young Bruce Wayne. Joe Chill's line to Bruce resonates throughout the Arkham Knight game. It gives a full circle to understanding the central theme of the trilogy.

After that, Bruce Wayne finds himself inside Wayne Manor. Alfred approaches him to discuss a growing concern but then invites you to talk further in the Batcave. An elevator will take you down to the Batcave and there you can see a 360-degree panoramic view of the Arkham Batcave. For me, this is one of the highlights of the game. Throughout the Arkham trilogy, Rocksteady never gave the fans a view of the Batcave. At the very least, they could've allowed players to wonder inside the Batcave. For Batman: Arkham VR, Rocksteady gives the fans something to fathom about.

Moving on, Alfred tells Bruce that Nightwing and Robin are missing for days and that they do not respond through their communicators. This leads Batman to investigate on the missing members of the family. And yes, the story is that short.

The only redeemable element in the story is the incorporation of the Riddler challenges through the different acts. The Riddler challenges are a bit similar to the Riddler challenges throughout the Arkham trilogy. The main difference is that you have to puzzle a lot of things for the VR.


It is highly recommended to use the PS motion controllers for this game. Actually, scratch that, the PS motion controllers are recommended for ALL PSVR games. I opted to use the dual shock controllers because: (1) I don't have the motion controllers; (2) I was too eager to play the game that I didn't bother getting one; (3) I'm broke. The PS motion controllers give you a wider range of movements that are not available in the dual shock controllers. You can also play this game standing up or sitting down. I finished the game standing up to imitate the experience of being Batman.

At the start of the game you are asked to wear the Batsuit by moving your head and hands. But my favorite part of the gameplay is the detective work. 90% of the game depends on your detective skills.

The gameplay played with my mind in the sense that I really thought I was inside the Arkham Universe. You bend, you raise your hand, you look up, you look back, and so on! Batman: Arkham VR is really a different experience!


By far, graphics is at par, if not a little better, with the Arkham trilogy. The colors are more vibrant and clearer. I wouldn't go into specifics but the VR headset uses an OLED screen, so colors are supposed to be that good.

While playing the game, don't forget to look around! The surroundings are breathtaking.


I got my PSVR in Gamestop (US) for $399. I think Datablitz is offering it for P20,900 (just the VR unit). I bought the Batman: Arkham VR in Datablitz for P1,050.

For the VR headset, the steep price is all worth it. The VR experience is something that will up the competition between the different gaming consoles. The games, however, need an upgrade. The contents that Playstation is providing for the VR is similar to the Wii console but a bit more mature. VR is not for the heavy gamer as it may suppress a lot of gameplay action.

The value of the game disc is also reasonable. For a quick game, the price tag might sound unreasonable, but the graphics and the experience is all worth it. Rocksteady, did an amazing job yet again.


Batman: Arkham VR provides an all new experience that wasn't included in the Arkham trilogy. Gameplay and story is okay; nothing over the top unlike what Rocksteady did for the trilogy but I was satisfied with everything. I would've wanted the story to be longer but at least there are Riddler challenges that will keep me busy for the next few days.

Is it worth paying P21,950 just to play Batman: Arkham VR? No, but if you're looking for a console that will bring the family together, yes it is worth paying that much. The game is pretty bad-ass and the VR experience is decent. Though, I'm still waiting for VR updates that will make the VR experience more realistic.

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