Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Book & Mask Set REVIEW
Every last quarter of the year, DC always releases a book and mask set. It started with the Court of Owls followed by the Joker mask, then Deathstroke mask, next is the Harley Quinn face, and lastly, this Miller Batman mask.
With all the hype and anticipation for this Book & Mask set, the boys from The Dark Knight Ph had the opportunity to check this bad boy out! Thank you to our friends at Fullybooked for this TDKR collectible.
The box looks pretty great. I mean, compared to the other Book & Mask set, the box for this set pretty much stands out. The Frank Miller art on the side together with the gritty scenery on the front makes the box appealing. Compared to the other Book & Mask set, this is a bit short but wider--pretty much Miller Batman--compact and a bit smaller than usual.
Inside packaging is pretty bad. We loved how they packaged the other Book & Mask sets before. The mask was given its own clamshell plastic while the book is covered by a different clamshell.
For this version, DC provided a single clamshell for the book and the mask. The use of a single clamshell compromised the handling of the book. If you're looking for a NM copy of the tradepaper back, we highly suggest you buy the book alone. You're not going to get a NM copy from the Book & Mask set
Quality for the mask has deteriorated. Personally, we thought the Court of Owls mask had better materials. The plastic was a bit more sturdy and the straps had much grip to it. One thing I liked about the mask was the integration of the foam around the bridge of the nose. It helps in holding the mask in place.
Overall, we like the aesthetics of the mask but it the quality could have been better. You can get this box set for as low as P1656. But for that price, we think that you're only paying for the mask itself. If TDKR isn't a great story, you'll be better off selling your copy to Booksale. The handling of the book pretty much ruined a great collection display.